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Main features and benefits:
- fully visual, no code / HTML, so it is fine also for novices;
- templates or... not, in other words you can use templates but you are not forced to;
- can manage a whole site at once (no need to memorize file names, no need to continuously load and save pages, as you act on a whole document, even for searches and revisions);
- you can publish to infinite Web spaces / Web sites, no limits (some other editors allow you to create only a single Website);
- you can host anywhere, no server hosting restrictions: the product is fine for both Windows and Unix / Linux servers, any web space (some other editors are limited to a single hosting brand);
- hundreds of functions: frames with drag & drop, mouse over sensitive images, header and footers, styles, advanced frame set management, slides, keywords, internal album, insert Flash animations, forms and much more...
- not just powerful... the environment is also optimized for maximum editing speed, as your time is precious: simultaneous browsing and editing (you can browse links with a double click); visual linking (you select the link destination with active previews, even when you show separate popup windows and/or insert complex frame-to-frame links);
- one click publishing: you can edit your website offline, then just a click and the internal Internet publisher (FTP) cares of the upload/update to your Web space, with automatic detection of modified pages;
- your Website will be good with any browser, not just Internet Explorer (some other editors like Internet Explorer only)!
- main functions are very similar to ones used in standard Word Processors, reducing learning time;
- advanced functions available for experts: you can insert HTML and so on...;
- comprehensive help and documentation; fast support;
- can save an entire Website as a single file: this makes it easy to archive and exchange works; additionally you can convert the site to a protected ebook with just one click (with EBooksWriter) or to a CD (with CDFrontEnd);
- yet can run on a old Pentium 100 MHz with 32MB RAM; all MS Windows from 95 98 to XP Vista 7. The website will be good for all visitors (no matter their browser or their operating system) and the server can be Windows or Linux or whatever (no limits; we offer also web space, domain name / hosting)
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